Автор: Томирис Исаева

Автор: Томирис Исаева

Is Kazakhstan Ready to Eat Lab—grown Meat?

Is Kazakhstan Ready to Eat Lab—grown Meat?

Synthetic meat is a scientific breakthrough that will provide meat lovers with an opportunity to enjoy their meal without killing animals or the environment. But is everyone ready to switch to the new alternative?

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A Plea to Change: Ecotourism in Kazakhstan

A Plea to Change: Ecotourism in Kazakhstan

Ecotourism is a crucial concept that has been proliferating in some countries, yet still requires a thorough introduction in others.

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Tamgaly Petroglyphs: Kazakhstan’s Cultural Treasure

Tamgaly Petroglyphs: Kazakhstan’s Cultural Treasure

A look inside of rock carvings that became an ancient sanctuary and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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What's So Evil About Nuts?

What's So Evil About Nuts?

Almonds are a new alternative to animal milk and protein. They might be cruelty-free, but are they really saving the planet? Let's investigate.

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Did Kazakhstan's Lake Zaysan Outlive the Dinosaurs?

Did Kazakhstan's Lake Zaysan Outlive the Dinosaurs?

Lake Zaysan is a nature’s gift that has been in Kazakhstan for centuries, becoming a haven for both locals and tourists. Unfortunately, its time is running out.

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Snow Leopard of Central Asia: Mysterious Life of a National Symbol

Snow Leopard of Central Asia: Mysterious Life of a National Symbol

A cat, a predator, and a symbol all in one creature.

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Orthorexia: Good Eating Gone Bad

Orthorexia: Good Eating Gone Bad

Yes, healthy eating can become a disorder and orthorexia nervosa is proof of that.

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Drinks of the Steppes: Everything You Need to Know About Ayran, Kumis, and Shubat

Drinks of the Steppes: Everything You Need to Know About Ayran, Kumis, and Shubat

Drinks of Kazakh nomads that are more than history — they are packed with health benefits.

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In Search of Tofu: Vegan and Vegetarian Places in Almaty

In Search of Tofu: Vegan and Vegetarian Places in Almaty

A comprehensive guide on where to find vegan and vegetarian food in Almaty.

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Covid-19 Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Summer Vacation: Kazakhstan’s Top 10 Nature Resorts

Covid-19 Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Summer Vacation: Kazakhstan’s Top 10 Nature Resorts

Kazakhstan’s geography allows for an array of destinations that vary in price and are unique in their offers.

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